As the name implies, “Ask the Investigator” is a consumer-oriented podcast that aims to shed light on the misunderstood world of private investigation. The host of the podcast, Ken Cummins, is joined by co-hosts Christiaan De Waal, adjunct instructor at American University (Law & Criminology) and former Director of Investigations for Capitol Inquiry, and Tish Few, a former investigator with a background in public broadcasting.
Each podcast explores different aspects of private investigation: finding assets to collect on your judgment; locating birth parents and siblings you never knew you had; surveillance to prove infidelity, insurance fraud or non-compete violations; background investigations for hiring an employee, nanny, caregiver or business partner; finding missing persons and investigating human trafficking; proving or defending against sexual misconduct allegations; criminal defense (just to name a few of the topics being examined). The hosts are joined by guests with experience in the investigative issue being examined. Access the podcast on iTunes, Google play, and Stitcher by searching “Ask the Investigator,” or google us and look for the magnifying glass with the podcast name inside. Tune in, and send your questions, suggestions and comments to and we will address them in future podcasts. And follow us on Twitter at #askinvestigator.